Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Week Two Afternoon: Wednesday

The girls in the afternoon session were lucky enough to meet a spider biologist from University of Vermont!  Dr. Higgins first explained to us all the differences between bugs, spiders, mammals, and flies.  After a silly session of the telephone game, we hunted for arthropods.  This means that they have jointed legs.  Each girl got a vial to hold the catch and we also found many spiders out in their webs.  Dr. Higgins was a big hit with the girls, and we also liked looking all around for specimens (and then returning them to their homes).

Dr. Higgins explains to the girls the many different bugs they can find in their areas and when the best time to find them is. 

After our adventure around the grounds hunting for our tiny friends, we made our own animal puppets.  We then had the puppets tell their stories.  We had a great time creating our puppets and then telling the stories.

Tomorrow is packed with speakers! We can't wait to hear from each of them!

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