Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Week Three Afternoon: Tuesday

The second half of Tuesday was as much a blast as the first half! We started with a rousing display by the animal society's gerbils.  The gerbils were happy to hang out in the office area with us.  We raced Acorn and Amber and the jury is still out about who is faster. 

When we were finished inside we headed out into the tent. We had a quick snack and we filled up our water bottles.  Then we headed to the pet cemetery.  We were all very touched by the love of the owners for their pets.  We also learned about feral cats and Grey Mama.  Grey Mama was a feral cat who lived behind the humane society. 

We finished the day with two games and a trip into the cat rooms in the shelter.  We played animal charades and poison dart frog.  Half of us went inside to play with the cats and then we switched.  We are all in love with the little kittens that recently came to the shelter!!

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