Friday, August 15, 2014

Week 6 Photo Recap!

This last week of camp was so fun and busy that I decided to do a photo recap on Friday!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Week Five: Tuesday!

This morning was spent with a lot of time in the shelter socializing with cats and smallies.  We visited many of the cat rooms.  We also all got to meet and pet the ferret, Piper.  Piper was so happy to see everyone and receive all the loving.

We were also joined this morning by Buster the bed bug dog.  Buster showed us how impressive his strong nose is.  He even searched out for bedbugs in the classroom.

This afternoon was a bit rainy, so we headed inside. We played some games inside and talked about dog behavior.  We all had fun acting out what happy, sad, and playful dogs look like.

We had a great day, we will have some more fun tomorrow as well!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Week 5: Monday

We cannot believe we are already in week five!!

Today was like most Mondays in that we started with a name game.  We all got pretty giggly about our adjectives and movements.

We then were lucky to meet with Nancy.  She outlined for us the mission behind the humane society.  We also discovered that humans and animals both need the same things to live and thrive.

We finished off the morning with a tour of the humane society building.  We were able to meet the cats and start to get a feel for what cats we like.  While half of us were in the cat rooms, the other half were decorating our water bottles.

We spent the afternoon with some reptiles and a hedge hog! We were all very interested in the snakes and the reptiles.  We also really liked the tortoise.

We finished the day with some games and animal trivia questions.

The parents were also given a tour this afternoon.  Looks like this week is going to be just as fun as all the other weeks!

Week Four: FRIDAY!!

We started the day with a presentation about feral cats from Jackie.  Jackie is the feline coordinator with the shelter.  After her presentation we made our own shelters for feral cats.  Three of us got to bring the shelters home to feral cats in our neighborhood.  To make these shelters, we just cut a hole in a Styrofoam box and then we decorated them.  Then when the girls bring them home they will put hay in them to keep them warm.

Next, we watched a presentation from the Police Dogs from Burlington. We were all very impressed with the tracking abilities of Capone. We learned all the jobs that police dogs have as well.

After lunch, we played a game of jeopardy. The counselors were amazed at all the girls knew! Some of our "hard questions" weren't even challenging for these smarties!

We finished off the day with tattoos and some fun games in the yard.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Week Four: Thursday

Today we visited Shelburne Farms!

We had so much fun! We started the day with a hay ride up from the visitor center to the farm barn.  Once we got there, we started learning about cheese in the cheese making room.  After the cheese making room, we split into groups and headed to the barn.  We met all different animals including 3 cows, some sheep, baby goats, and chickens.  We were enjoying trying to pick up the chickens.  Some of them are very friendly.  We also got to watch and participate in milking a cow!  We were very lucky to get all of this in before lunch.

After lunch, there was a large storm that moved through the area.  We watched the storm from a safe spot inside the educational center and on the porch. We finished the day with some more visiting of the farm animals, then took the bus back to the tent.

Back at the Humane Society, we wrapped up the day with some games of animal career charades.

We loved going to Shelburne Farms, here are some of our pictures.

Watching the storm

With the goat!

Modeling with one of the chickens

------ Sidenote -----

Below is a video of the girls and Ben.  Ben liked to tell jokes and the girls like to fake laugh at them.  We think this is pretty funny!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Week Four: Wednesday

We started the day by decorating the front entrance to the Humane Society.  We really enjoyed recreating the logo as well as encouraging visitors to adopt.  The sidewalk is now very colorful and inviting.

Next, we had the opportunity to meet two birds.  One was our old friend the Bard Owl and the other was a new bird.  The other bird was a small falcon.  Both the birds were very impressive and we had many specific questions to ask.  We finished the visit by looking at all types of bird wings.  We even got to touch a few.

Before lunch and after the birds, we visited the cats in the shelter.  Visiting the cat rooms is one of our favorite activities.

After lunch, we met Joann's reptiles.  We all really liked Tiki the hedgehog (of course), and we let her run around in the circle for a while.  Some of us got to pick her up, which was nervy at first, then fun.

We finished the day with some animal trivia and some games of zip zap and poison dart frog.
Tomorrow, we are off to Shelburne Farms!!

Meeting Joann's snake!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Week Four: Tuesday

Today was a speaker filled day for our 10-12 year old girls.  We started with a visit from Joann. We all became animal investigators.  We now take our jobs very seriously and we know what tie-out dogs need.  We also learned that when we see an animal we think might need help, we should go to an adult, and not confront an owner by ourselves.

In the middle of the day, we met Buster.  Buster is a bed-bug sniffing dog.  We were all very impressed with his skill.  We were also slightly grossed out from seeing the bugs!!  Our favorite part may have been at the end when we got to pet Buster.

Our last speaker for the day was Dr. Nate.  He is a Qi Veterinarian.  He let us taste herbs and he also showed us how to do acupuncture on dogs.  Otis was a trooper and seemed to enjoy the treatment. We learned how the different herbs affect dogs' bodies and how they can be used as medicine.

We finished the day with some games of Zip Zap and up, down, look.  Below are some pictures from the day:


Joann teaching us about Humane treatment of tie-up dogs in VT

Learning about Buster
Feeling for heat spots on Otis

Qi Vet visit